Last week I wrote about the power of Magic Moments – filling the gap by reflecting on the past and planning for the future.
When this concept was first introduced to me, I was a sceptic. Now, it’s embedded in my routine. Creating magic moments (not waiting for them), is a simple and transformative technique. And it’s the most powerful way to start your week.
Here’s four benefits of committing to Just another Magic Monday.
Get a head start.
Kicking off the week with Magic Moments will set the tone for a week of dreaming and doing. It can change your state, lift your mood and increase your energy. In sport, the best players get to training first and do the preparation – win the game before it starts.
Avoid Groundhog Day.
Starting with and setting up Magic Moments for the week will help you avoid the bland and repetitious. It will give you something to look forward to, create a fresh focus and keep the inspiration flowing.
Sing a Rainbow.
In a world of grey, it’s hard to keep the clouds at bay. Magic Moments let the light in. ‘Listen with your eyes, listen with your ears’. You’ll soon ‘sing a rainbow’.
Find lots of interesting.
Magic is curious. And as Walt Disney said, “When you are curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths”.
Let’s go make some noise. Time it goes so fast (When you’re having fun).
It’s just another Magic Monday.
Tuum Est – It’s up to you.
Jamie Wilson