Making an established brand feel new again.

Canberra Institute of Technology

As one of Australia’s leading vocational education and training providers for the last 85 years, CIT approached Coordinate to develop a new campaign to present their brand to market in a more modern, young and dynamic way. Like many campaigns, our first mandate was to unlock the promise that CIT provides to the students – which we believe is – that if you dream it, you can learn it (at CIT) and eventually be it. It was an aspirational position that CIT could own as their brand position an inject it into everything they do.

Coordinate was confronted with challenge of making an established brand feel new, without changing its heritage, values and identity, but we loved the opportunity to work on this campaign. A simple tetris like animatic was developed to reinvigorate the identity and harness the brand values (connected, dynamic, confident, diverse and transformative). A new, fresh, colourful and flexible colour palette was developed to add vibrancy to all communications materials and a new website was designed and developed across desktop, mobile and tablet.

To really drive the transformation, Coordinate refreshed the brand through the delivery of a modern and dynamic 30 – second commercial which was used for television, social, digital and social media. A custom track was commissioned and produced by CIT graduates SAFIA, who are making waves on the global stage and a real life example of the brand’s promise.

Services Branding, Campaign, Digital, Video

Canberra Institute of Technology