Ginninderry encompasses 1,600 hectares of stunning natural land across the ACT and NSW, with development planned for 4 suburbs and up to 30,000 residents.
Centred around the majestic Murrumbidgee river, with the Brindabella Mountains as a backdrop and all within a 10 minute drive to Belconnen Town Centre, it’s an easy sell. But our brief went far beyond simply selling land. Instead, we were charged with working on a campaign that attracted people wanting to be part of the Ginninderry vision. That vision is to create a place of international significance, that caters to Canberra’s changing needs as a growing city, works in harmony with it’s natural surroundings and sets international benchmarks in sustainability, technology and innovation.
As a result, we developed a campaign across two levels: one that launched Ginninderry to the market, the second to tell the stories behind the vision.
Services Campaign, Digital, Video